Ph.D. Candidate in Finance
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

I am on the job market this year.


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Job Market Paper

How Political Connections Affect Public Pension Fund Investments? Evidence from Close State Elections
    I identify the causal effect of political connections on the private equity investments of U.S public pension funds.

Working Papers

Distrust Spillovers from Financial Advisors to Bank Branches (solo-authored)
    I identify a channel through which distrust spills over from investment advisory firms involved in misconduct to their affiliated banks.

Hurting Fund Returns: Business Ties Constraints and Portfolio Misallocation (solo-authored)
    I identify a systemic pattern of inferior investment decisions made by asset managment firms in the 401(k) pension business due to thier conflicts of interest with clients.

Work in Progress

What Boards Talk to Decide? Evidence from Public Pension Investments

Measuring Municipal Political Risks
